We know that maintaining a healthy diet is linked to a happy and active lifestyle. By eating a school meal provided by East Dunbartonshire Council’s School Meals Service your child is guaranteed a balanced nutritious meal to keep them healthy and alert throughout the school day.

The meals are freshly cooked on a daily basis by our skilled staff that cares about food and your child’s wellbeing. Our staff will help your child to make balanced choices. The meals meet the Scottish Government’s nutritional regulations. 

Any Special diets or allergies should be discussed with the school. 

Meal prices are reviewed annually. Please contact the School to be advised of the current price.   

Free School Meal

School menus

Currently P1, P2 and P3 depending on date of birth eligible for free school meals. Children of parents/carers receiving income support, income based job seekers allowance, or Universal Credit are entitled to a free midday meal.  Children of parents who are in receipt of child tax credit or working tax credit and child tax credit or employment and support allowance (income related) or support under part IV of the immigration and asylum act 1999, may also be eligible.  Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from schools, the education office, area registration services offices or East Dunbartonshire Council website.

Only those children whose parents receive income support or income based job seekers allowance (and child tax credit where qualifying income criteria has been met) will be entitled to free milk. Milk may however, be available for purchase in the school during the lunch period. 

In Woodland View School, pupils who are entitled to a free meal do not benefit from a card system. However, information is given directly to catering staff to avoid pupils using a “ticket “system. 

We have a very small dining room and children are encouraged to sit with friends. Pupils are supervised in the dining room. Some pupils go out independently to local shops for lunch.